Growing up, I remember always being with my Mom, Dwan Bent-Twyford, in every step in her learning curve. Together we would pry boards off vacant houses, go to closings, and to top it, whenever she was busy rehabbing a home, the child version of myself would step in and decide that crayons made a great addition to her fresh paint! I loved growing up in the business and having the opportunity to meet so many people and watch my Mom help so many homeowners.
As time went on, I was graduating high school and looking for an adventure. That’s when I applied for the Disney College Program. Soon enough my interview was over and I was receiving my acceptance paperwork! I was so absolutely excited to do a working internship for Disney and to have the opportunity to live in California. It was definitely one of my most favorite memories and still today I am an absolute Disney fanatic! Once the program was over I came back home but had the itch to experience another location to live in.
I quickly landed a job for MGM Resorts International in Vegas and was on my way to yet another chapter. As time went on at MGM I couldn’t help but feel trapped. I mean, being raised by my strong and independent Mother, I felt as though she had raised me with the same qualities. Soon enough this call-center, cubicle-farm job became old to me and I grew to be unhappy.
Unhappy for making money for someone else, unhappy just being a number that could be replaced, just unhappy that I was trapped at a desk all day, knowing my potential was way higher. I then decided to take a step towards something that would make me happy. That step was running. I quickly signed up for my first half-marathon at Disneyland and off I went training and eating right from that moment forward.
The more discipline and fulfillment I was having the happier I was getting with my personal time. But, MGM still itched at me. Pretty soon I was running all the time and allowing myself to get lost in thought. I questioned myself for ever being a young twenties girl who decided to go off and explore. Now, don’t get me wrong, I loved the experiences I acquired. But, deep down I knew I was destined for more. Pretty soon, I made the phone call to my Mom. You can only guess how it went. I couldn’t be untrue to my heart any longer and I had finally matured into knowing that real estate and being my own boss was the only way for me to live the life I so desperately wanted.
Soon enough, my two weeks were in and I was out the door. I finally felt free of the pressure that weighed me down and I could notice that I felt just like myself. I was coming into my own. I’m just glad that I made the decision at 25 years old. My Mom was already in her thirties when she had decided to make the change… so, folks, I already have a head start on her. Haha!
Upon arrival, my family and I talked about how excited we all were to go into business as a team. When you put four highly motivated people together with a vast knowledge of the business, suddenly it feels that anything is possible and there are no limits. I feel very grateful each and every day to be doing what I love.
Through the blood and sweat, I’ve had no tears. It’s been nothing but smiles, learning, dancing, building, and working so hard that you can’t help but feel accomplished each night when you lay down and reminisce about your day. The journey is now and we are all here to help bring knowledge to others. After all, there’s no such thing as too many millionaires in the world. So, listen for the knocks of opportunity that come to your door and jump for it! Don’t let time pass you by and one day you stop to realize you never really got to be what you wanted to be. I’m so happy that I took the leap of faith. I have never looked back and I never will. It’s all about the future, the opportunities, and the passion.
You can get there too! Let us help!
With Gratitude,
Ayla Diamond
Please Visit the blog my Mom and I do here.