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How To Find & Control High Equity Deals ?

  • Find a Distressed Seller
  • Late Leads or Foreclosures
  • Bandit Signs
  • Build a Buyers List – Landlords and End Users through Realtors.
  • If you have a TRUSTED rehabber that will fulfil your Profit Sharing Agreement you can assign the PSA to them for an “ASSIGNMENT FEE.” Stay in control of the deal and expenses.
  • Get the property “Under Contract.”
  • Get your “Profit Sharing Agreement” signed.
  • Get the rest of your documents signed.

Once You Find The Deal....

  • Qualify the deal, is it a High Equity, No-Equity, or a Short Sale Deal?
  • Build a Buyers List and Qualify Your Buyers.
  • Qualify the Homeowner  – Give a $10 Deposit.
  • If it’s a Short Sale then gather all of the documents you need.  Submit your Short Sale to the bank.
  • If the house is a High Equity Deal, get it under contract.
  • If the house qualifies for a No-Equity Deal get it under contract and then sell to one of your Seller Finance Leads.
  • Begin Negotiations With the End Users and their Realtors, Landlord or Seller Finance Buyer.
  • If doing a High Equity or No-Equity Deal, then get it into the title company and get an O & E.

Target Marketing System with all of the Bonuses

  • Big Money on High Equity Deals (4) Four Training DVDs – $997
  • Internet Index Training – $497
  • Millionaire Marketing Training and Workbooks – $797


  • Fed-Up Training and Program – $697
  • Classification Indexing, Area, Neighborhood, Houses with Workbooks – $697
  • Neighborhood Awareness Training with Workbooks – $497
  • I will Coach you through your first 3 deals – $$$ priceless $$$

“OVER 20 Hours of Training”

Today's Special
